
Berberis CRM & ERP on browsers, smartphones, barcode readers etc.

napisany przez admin w maja 18, 2015

GranumGranum, the new module of our CRM & ERP system, Berberis, has just been released. Granum means seed, which is the origin of a new plant, usually slightly different from the previous one, but in our case those differences are really significant. As a matter of fact, Granum is a special application server, allowing you to access some of Berberis functionalities through either webpages or dedicated applications on smartphones, as well as on various special devices like e.g., barcode readers.

The price of the Granum module depends on the so-called options, specifying the functional area allowing you to use particular applications, which prices, in turn, will be dependent on their character. In particular, those accessible through web-browsers will remain free. Moreover, you will be allowed to modify them and distribute, provided you will also expect no license fees.

Currently the application Tasks is already available, supporting workflow and document flow, in a sense outside the company which uses our system (e.g., by its business partners). We are also about to finish testing another application to be used (off-line) by sales representatives equipped with smartphones with either Android or iOS system. In the Fall we plan to release the web-based internet shop application and the store management application to be installed on barcode readers.

The Granum server is delivered along with the technical manual, enabling you developing your own applications interchanging data with the Berberis CRM & ERP system.


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